
Our latest podcasts

Sheela Ivlev - Disrupt the Status Quo

Practical Action Steps towards more Equitable Healthcare

Matthew Low - From Micro to Macro

Evidence-Based Practice, Philosophy + more

Allana Beavis & Derek Lai - Global Health

Unpacking global health issues with practical steps we can take as clinicians

David Newton - Forward-Thinking Chiropractic

Barriers to EBP and the Power of Community

Oliver Thomson - Diagnosis, Philosophy and Pseudoscience

Critical Thinking, Diagnosis, Qualitative Research + more

Diego Hidalgo - Be Skeptical, not Contrarian

Philosophy, critical thinking, social media + more

Jordan Feigenbaum - Science Communication, What Do?

How to improve your science communication + more

Eduan Breedt - Philosophy & Neoliberalism

What clinicians should know about neoliberalism and more.

Sophie Shephard - Power within Professions

Sociology and Power within Physiotherapy

Dr. Mark Kargela - Modern Pain Care

From Intervention Mountain to Continuous Learning

Laura Rathbone – Ethical Healthcare and ACT

Dive into ACT and unpack the biggest problems in MSK healthcare.

Victor Dimov - Advice for Students

Practical advice for students covering philosophy, critical thinking and more.

Eric Purves - Problems & Solutions in MSK Healthcare

Potential solutions to the problems faced by clinicians in MSK practice

Jilly Bond - Trigger Points, and Pelvic Pain Updated

An up-to-date overview on bladder and pelvic pain.

Miriam Dillon - Sociology and Why it Matters

Unpacking and Building the "Social" of BPS

Daniel La Spina - 12 Years of Clinical Reflections

Clinical reflections over 12 years of clinical practice.

Andreas Alt - How to Improve Adherence

Practical ways to facilitate adherence and adapt treatment plans

Ellen Masson & Ben Slade - The Need for Connection

An open and vulnerable discussion on our struggles as clinicians, and how we handle them.

Luke Postlethwaite - Running a Successful Business

How to run a successful healthcare business

Jenni Rawlings - Evidence-Based Yoga

Anatomy, biomechanics, tightness and filtering the knowledge within Yoga

Yuji Suzuki - Humility and Curiosity

"What are your values as a clinician?"

Rohit Murgod - Navigating Newgrad Challenges

Honest chat about the struggles with private practice, and ways to manage them.

Nathalia Costa - Navigating Uncertainty

Uncertainty in clinical practice, and how to manage it

Rajam Roose - San Diego Pain Summit

San Diego Pain Summit and the value of community, connection and collaboration

Keith Meldrum – Centring the Lived Experience

De-centring ourselves to centre the lived experience of the person

Joe Camoratto - Across the Continuum

S&C, experiencing healthcare as a patient, and the need for an honest and supportive community

Kyle Poland - The Harms of Corrective Exercise

What's the harm in corrective exercises?

Karime Mescouto - Power Dynamics

Power and Critical Reflexivity in Clinical Practice

Peter Stilwell & Sabrina Coninx - What's Your Philosophy?

The Enactive Approach to Pain for Clinical Practice

Jacob Templar - Strength in Evidence

Updates to practice, advice for social media and the value of critical thinking

Louis Savill - Fallacies, Challenges & Advice

Most common fallacies in physio, and possible solutions.

Joshua Pate - Helping Kids with Pain

Practical takeaways for helping kids with pain.

Shelley Barlow & Kit Wisdom - Clinical Reflections

Reflections on our lived experiences during clinical training, and what we need more of

Grant Oden - Insights from a Coach's Experience of Back Pain

Insights from Grant's lived experience of back pain, and what clinicians need to do more of.

Ben Slade - From Nihilism to Values

Gain real insights from Ben's experiences as a Physio in Private Practice

Matthew Danziger and Keenan Hollingsworth - Misinformation in Massage

Misinformation in Rehab and Massage Therapy - What Do?

Danny Phillips - Clinical Growth and Upskill

Insights into the journey from burnout to business owner

Mike - Insights from a Client

Mike sharing his experiences with back pain, navigating the Australian healthcare system

Nathalia Pinheiro - Curiosity in Pain

Gain insights about the value of curious movement exploration from Nathalia's lived experiences with persisting pain.

Sara Lindberg - Back Pain "Fixed"

Sara reflects on her 10+ year journey with back pain, and what helped her recover and self-manage.

Kevin Wernli – Pain Beliefs & Challenges

Kevin discusses his latest research findings, practical implications, and solutions to applying EBP in private practice.

Dr Michelle Blanchard - The National Mental Health Stigma Report Card

Exploring The National Mental Health Stigma Report Card

Meredith Woolsey - HAES and Size-Inclusive Practice

Explore HAES and Size-Inclusive Practice with Practical Advice

Ellen Masson - How We've Changed

Ellen Masson and Daniel Arbilla discuss how they've changed their practice since 2020.

Dr Samantha Bunzli - Exploring beliefs and behaviour in a clinical interaction

Dr Samantha Bunzli - Exploring beliefs and behaviour in a clinical interaction

Shelley Barlow & Kit Wisdom – A Relational Approach

We hosted Physiotherapists Kit Wisdom and Dr. Shelley Barlow for a dialogue about:

Helen Boyd - Pain Sucks

We hosted Sydney-based artist Helen Boyd to discuss:

Frances Brown - Honest Reflections from Private Practice

We hosted physiotherapist and business owner Frances Brown to discuss:

Merv Travers - A Wider View of Clinical Practice

We hosted researcher, clinician and educator Dr. Merv Travers to discuss:

Kuni Nishimura - Critical Thinking for Newgrads

We hosted Physical Therapist Kuni Nishimura to discuss:

Lars Avemarie - Why Update Practice?

We hosted Physiotherapist and educator Lars Avemarie to discuss:

Amy Eicher & Bronnie Thompson - Paternalism, Supervision and Humility

We hosted Amy Eicher and Bronnie Lennox Thompson for an open discussion on:

Tristen Attenborough - Crossing the Chasm

We hosted Massage Therapist and Educator Tristen Attenborough to discuss:

Jason Gardner and Luke Postlethwaite - Ethical Practice

We’re back for our Round 2 with Clinic Owners Jason Gardner and Luke Postlethwaite to discuss:

Cameron Faller - Confident Ambiguity

We hosted Physical Therapist and Educator Cameron Faller to discuss:

Taylor James - Neuromodulation and Feeling Good

We hosted Massage Therapist and Educator Taylor James Laviolette to discuss:

Bas Asselbergs - Humility across 40 Years of Practice

We hosted Physiotherapist Bas Asselbergs to discuss:

Michael Ray - Philosophy and Private Practice

We hosted Chiropractor, researcher and educator Michael Ray to discuss:

Neil Meigh - The Realities of Research and Private Practice

We hosted Physiotherapist, Researcher, Educator and humble influencer Neil Meigh (The Kettlebell Physio) to discuss:

Jocelyn Kirton - Evidence-Based Care for Pelvic Health

We hosted Massage Therapist and Educator Jocelyn Kirton to discuss:

Jeff Morton - Social Media and Dynamic Systems

We hosted UK Physiotherapist Jeff Morton to discuss:

Luke Postlethwaite and Jason Gardner - Ethical Practice

We hosted Luke Postlethwaite and Jason Gardner for an open discussion on:

Eric Purves and Jamie Johnston - Person-Centred Manual Therapists

We hosted Massage Therapists and Educators Eric Purves and Jamie Johnston to discuss:

Kal Fried - High Value Care and Mixed Messages

We hosted sports and exercise medicine physician Dr. Kal Fried to discuss:

Richard McIlmoyle - The Future of Chiro

We hosted Chiropractor and educator Richard McIlmoyle to discuss:

Steve Collins & Louis Savill - Misinformation

We hosted Physiotherapists and S&C Coaches Steve Collins and Louis Savill to discuss:

Ben Inglis & Mark Doherty - Online BS: What Do?

We hosted coaches and meme gods Mark Doherty (@collaborativestrength) and Ben Inglis (@ben_barbellmedicine) to discuss:

Burnout and Value-Driven Change - Ben the Physio

Special episode with Ben the Physio where we talked about:

Rob Beaven - Back Pain Misinformation

We hosted Chiropractor, Clinic Owner, and Co-Host of The Back Pain Podcast Rob Beaven to discuss:

Quinn Henoch and Zak Gabor - Clinician Evolution

We hosted the CALU Gods Quinn Henoch and Zak Gabor for a discussion on:

Greg Lehman and Raphael Bender - Humility, Community & Satire

We hosted Greg Lehman and Raphael Bender to discuss:

The Massage Collective - Manual Therapy Updated

We hosted Anna Maria, Becky and Matt, hosts of the Massage Matters Podcast for a discussion on:

Ian Griffiths and Alex Murray - Treating the Person

We hosted Podiatrists Ian Griffiths and Alex Murray to discuss:

Florence Kelly and Jennifer Smallridge - Invisible Illnesses

We hosted Exercise Physiologists Florence Kelly and Jennifer Smallridge from Connection Medicine Co to discuss:

Andrew Wild & Geoff Ford - Misinformation in Private Practice

We hosted Andrew Wild (Wild Physio Fitness) and Geoff Ford (Be Strong Physio) to discuss:

Sam Spinelli & Marc Surdyka - Online BS, What Do?

We hosted Physical Therapists Sam Spinelli and Marc Surdyka for a discussion on:

Dave Renfrew & Dave Moen - Managing Misinformation

We hosted Physiotherapists and Clinic Owners Dave Renfrew (Newcastle Performance Physio) and Dave Moen (Form Physiotherapy) to discuss:

Aaron Kubal - Authenticity in Healthcare

We hosted Chiropractor and TikTok pro dancer Aaron Kubal to discuss:

Adam Meakins - Managing Beliefs & Expectations

We hosted the imfamous Sports Physio Adam Meakins for a discussion on:

Oliver Crossley - Yoga in Clinic

We hosted Physiotherapist Oliver Crossley to discuss:

Lee Schneider - Predictive Processing in Practice

We hosted Physiotherapist and PhD candidate Lee Schneider to discuss:

Leonard van Gelder - Process-Based Rehab

We hosted Leonard van Gelder from Dynamic Principles to discuss:

Gianni Chng - How to Handle Misinformation as a Physio

We hosted Physiotherapist, Educator and Mentor Gianni Chng to discuss -

Alexis Léveillé - How to Respond to BS

We hosted Physiotherapist and IG Meme King Alexis Léveillé to discuss -

Misinformation Series - Ellen Masson & Tait Brown

How can clinicians handle misinformation, knowing the possible harms it can cause?

Daniel Harvie - Perception and Pain: A closer listen at why we hurt

Dr Daniel Harvie from the University of South Australia and the author of, Perception and pain: A closer look at why we hurt joined us to discuss his new book and explore what we can learn from audio illusions.

Misinformation Series - John Flagg & Antony Lo

How can clinicians handle misinformation, knowing the possible harms it can cause?

Travis Pollen - Biomechanics, Injury Risk and Performance (Part 2b)

Part 2 of our discussion with Travis Pollen a.k.a. the Fitness Pollenator.

Matthew Danziger - The Benefits of Manual Therapy (Part 2)

Matthew Danziger is a massager therapist and personal trainer from New York. He’s an OG from Soma Simple and well-known in the online field of pain science groups and content.

Zain El-Roubaei - Gems from a Client

We were privileged to have an open and candid chat with university student and street dancer Zain El-Roubaei who shared with us:

Anthony Berrick - Behavioural Analysis and Choice Point

Anthony Berrick is a Consultant Psychologist specialising in pain, based out of Barbell Psychology. We discussed:

Steve Collins - Dynamical Systems Theory in Clinic

We hosted a discussion with Physiotherapist and Strength & Conditioning Coach Steve Collins on -

Jason Tuori - Reducing Running Injuries

We hosted Jason Tuori for a Running Masterclass on:

Mitchell Sarkies - Bridging the Gap

We hosted physiotherapist and researcher Mitchell Sarkies to discuss:

Joshua Zadro - Overcoming Overuse

We hosted physiotherapist and researcher Joshua Zadro to discuss:

Business Roundtable

How can we build a profitable practice whilst respecting ethical healthcare?

Manual Therapy Roundtable

Join us for a nuanced discussion on manual therapy with Massage Therapist Toby Coy, Osteopath Lauren Retica and Chiropractor Perttu Riipinen.

Jane Chalmers - Pelvic Pain

We hosted physiotherapist, senior lecturer and researcher Jane Chalmers to discuss: